Pi Sigma Alpha

Resources for Chapter Advisors

Are you a faculty chapter advisor searching for chapter event ideas, best chapter practices, or general information about your duties and responsibilities? Below you will find a range of resources to support you in your efforts. If you have an idea for an additional resource that may be helpful for chapter advisors, please let us know at office@pisigmaalpha.org.

This handbook lays out some of the key responsibilities of a Pi Sigma Alpha chapter advisor, as well as detailed instructions for various PSA processes, and best chapter practices.

Shared Event Ideas

Several chapter advisors have asked for a space where they might share ideas for chapter events. You can view that shared Google doc here.

There are several ways for chapters to sign up new members and facilitate the payment of dues. Advisors are encouraged to read this document carefully to determine whether using the membership order form makes sense for their chapter (vs. using the online system). 

Chapters that do not want to process memberships via My Honor Society should fill out this form with all student information and email to the national office at office@pisigmaalpha.org.

Chapters are required to submit an annual report to the national office which identifies key student officers and chapter advisor, and lists the chapter’s activities for the past year. The information in this report is used to select the winners of the Best Chapter Awards, so chapters should take care to make them as complete as possible.

Chapter that were recipients of a Chapter Activity Grant are required to submit a report on expenditures by June 15.