Pi Sigma Alpha

Civic Engagement Chapter Activity Grants


In the lead up to the November 2022 elections, Pi Sigma Alpha is providing funds to support chapter activities focused on student civic engagement. We encourage proposals from all active chapters who are planning a civic engagement event for Fall 2022. A range of activities will be considered, but chapter advisors and student officers should read over the grant guidelines prior to preparing a proposal to ensure their chapter and activity are eligible for funding.

The maximum grant award for a chapter is $2,000. The faculty awards committee will meet in late September to evaluate submissions from the first cycle, then again in early October to evaluate those from the second cycle. Funding will be sent to chapter advisors immediately after decisions are made. 

Grantees are required to report on their funded activity, including an accounting of the expenditure of the grant funds, and return any unused funds via check or credit card to the PSA national office by December 16, 2022.

For over 35 years, the Pi Sigma Alpha Chapter Activity Grants program has provided the means for chapters to put together projects with a broader scope than they otherwise could afford, and gives students excellent experience in writing proposals and budgets, carrying out funded activities, and writing reports. With this special grant cycle, we hope to encourage our student members to further engage with civic engagement efforts on campus and in their communities.

Additional funding opportunities, as well as civic engagement toolkits and other resources to encourage student voting, can also be found on the Civic Holidays and Ask Every Student websites.

What is a strong grant proposal?

The selection committee takes account of the quality of the proposals themselves when it makes funding decisions. A good proposal will clearly and concisely describe the exact nature and scope of the activity. It will also have a complete and detailed budget, which follows the grant guidelines. In addition, for the Civic Engagement Grants, those proposals that clearly and explicitly show how their activity will work to increase student voter registration, student voting, or student participation in other civic engagement activities on-campus or in the broader community will be most competitive.