Pi Sigma Alpha

How to Establish a Pi Sigma Alpha Chapter

Any university or college department of government, political science, international relations, public administration, or a related interdisciplinary program may establish a chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha if the department or program and the institution meet the following criteria.

  • The institution must:

  • The department or program must:

If the Executive Director determines that the Department has met all eligibility requirements, the national office then sends the petition form to the department to be filled in with the names and signatures of students and faculty who would become charter members of the new chapter, plus the signature of the president or dean of the institution. The petition will be returned to the national office with a date chosen for the chapter installation, and the initiation fees for all of the petitioning school’s charter members who have never before been inducted into Pi Sigma Alpha  (faculty members, for instance, who were inducted into the honor society as students may become charter members of a new chapter without paying another initiation fee.)

The National Office assigns a Greek letter name to the chapter in alphabetical sequence, prints a charter which is signed by the Executive Director and National President, and prints individual charter membership certificates for the faculty and students being initiated into the new chapter. 

Start-up grants of up to $750 are available for new chapters.