The national office recognizes that it can be a challenge to build a new chapter or rebuild one after a period of inactivity, so Pi Sigma Alpha has designated funding for Chapter Start-up and Reactivation Grants to provide financial support for new on-campus events and projects.
We ask that grantees use these funds to plan an engaging event or project (e.g. trivia night, a debate, a get out the vote drive, a film screening/series, etc.) to raise awareness of your Pi Sigma Alpha chapter and recruit new future members!
All chapter grantees are required to submit a Chapter Grant Report by June 15 of the funding year and return any unused funds to the national office.
PSA offers up to $500 per chapter for reactivation grants. Only chapters that have been inactive for five (5) years or more are eligible.
PSA offers up to $750 per chapter for start-up grants. Chapter grantees are provided with $250 each year for three (3) years. Chapters must induct new student members each academic year during that period to receive the funds.
Please note that PSA is unable to release funds until new members are inducted into your chapter.